Preparing for a Graduation Party and tips for saving time and money..

 I am in prep mode for a fast approaching graduation party.. and I thought I would
share a few tips that I have been doing to save time, and a little money here and there.

#1).  A couple things at a time.
     This one actually doesn't really save money, but does help with the impact on the budget.
I have been picking up one or two things each time I go to the store.. such as a roll of crepe paper, a package of napkins, or bag of balloons.  This way there is not such a hard hit on the budget.  Since I am only spending 2 or 3 dollars at a time, it isn't so noticeable compared to buying everything at once.  

#2). Check the quantity of the items before your purchase them, and compare.
    I was surprised by how big of a difference the decorated plates and napkins had in a package, compared to the the plain colorful ones.
(which brings me to #3)

#3).  Mix & Match.
     I bought the fancier decorated 'Graduation' plates and napkins, but I also bought the plain colorful ones to mix in with them.  (The plain colorful ones have more quantity per package, and cost quite a bit less.. so definitely saving money, but I still get the impact of the fancier look in our table decor)

#4).  Make your own decorations. 
     You can easily make your own decorations by cutting out numbers, designing something on the computer and printing it, or having a creative friend help you out.

Here is an example of some festive and inexpensive Graduation Plant Picks  that I made:

#5).  Add simple decorative touches. 
     You don't have to spend a fortune on decorative items.. they can be simple and
  inexpensive, but are sure to have a big impact.  

Here are some examples that are a fun treat for most everyone..  

   Graduation Diploma Candy ,  and   Graduation Cap Candy .

There are many ways to save time and/or money when it comes to a graduation party.

One suggestion is to weigh your options on what is more important with each item you need to purchase or make.

 For example, it will take some time to make home made Thank You note cards... or you can simply buy a package of cute graduation theme Thank You notecards with envelopes for around $3.00 - $4.00 for 25. (depending on where you shop)   It is good to consider if you have the time to spend making them, as well as the cost associated with the project, or if it makes more sense to you to simply purchase them. 

My last tip would have to be start on it early.. especially if you plan on making any of the decorations.
There are so many activities at the end of the school year as it is.. as well as getting prepared for College, which will be here before we know it.  Therefore,  I am thankful that I have been working on getting the decorations, and everything planned out and ready early.

 A graduation party doesn't have to be over the top expensive to be amazing and special.   You can easily make inexpensive decorations and accents, that will add to the memories you share and help celebrate the big day.

I hope that gives you a few tips or even a few idea's for your own graduation parties.
Best wishes.


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