Trash to Treasure.. Towel Rack Makeover

I was asked if I wanted some old towel racks that were hanging out in a garage and needed a little TLC..
and of course I took them home with me..  gotta love a great DIY project.
(and free, well that is certainly a bonus!)

So I took them home, lightly sanded them up, and gave them a couple coats of spray paint.
I chose glossy black for one, and a mix of gray/white on the other one.

I hung the black one our master bathroom.. 

I am still deciding what I want to do with the second one..
the guest bathroom doesn't really need extra storage.
I am considering hanging it outdoors on our privacy fence and placing some logs on it.  I may have to try that.. :0)
Until then..
Have a great day! 

1 comment

  1. Those look great Tina and you can't beat free! I was thinking for the second my house we love keeping those little fleece throws in the living room and we use them all the time. The towel holder would work to hang on the wall and put rolled blankets in when not in use. Just an idea...:) Can't wait to see what you decide to do with it!

    Blessings, Vicky
    Life On Willie Mae Lane


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