Friday Favorites... (8/16/13)

Friday Favorites..

#1).  First and Foremost - We got to go for a day trip and see our son this week. Yay!

#2). I worked on/off in my craft room.. it is slowly getting there.  More to share next week I hope
       on the progress.

#3). Angel Food cake.. (made one and took it to our son)

#4).  I have went through a lot of  "Stuff" this week, organizing and getting rid of...
        and I have a huge donate pile ready to go!  Yay for clearing out the clutter!

#5). My Office Update - so enjoying the new look.

I am ready for the weekend..
How about you?

linking up at:
High Five For Friday

1 comment

  1. I'm sure you were happy to see your son and he was happy to see you! That cake looks yummy! I have never baked an angel food cake before...don't know why! Can't wait to see the craft room reveal! Have a great weekend.

    Blessings, Vicky
    Life On Willie Mae Lane


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