Time for Friday Favorites...(2/21/14)

I must say I am kind of glad it is Friday.. what's not to like?
Nothing against the other 6 days of the week mind you, but there is just
something about Friday that seems to welcome in the weekend.

So I will jump right in and share the Friday Fave's...

-These super simple No Sew diy Placemats... for less than a couple bucks... and in less
than 5 minutes.  (and a fun color) :0)

-Cheesy Veggie Soup... yum.

-My craft room overhaul reorganization/makeover project has officially began.

-I reorganized the kitchen spices this week and took back that wasted space with a
easy diy project... love how this turned out!

-College basketball of course.. :0)

Well I am off to work on the craft room...  Have a great weekend.

linking up at:
The diary of a real housewife, high five for friday

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