Friday Favorites... (5/30/14)

Is it just me or did the month of May just fly by...???
Like a jet plane! :0)

Well, since this month is drawing to a close,  I decided today's Friday Fave's list
is getting a little change up... and is going to be more of a hodge podge of
a few "month of May" favorites instead. :0)

~ One of the love's of my life, our son's birthday was during the month of May.
   Seriously, I about have to pinch myself... He is 19! ???  They grow up so fast...
   You have probably heard that said a thousand times,  but it is soooo true!

~ Our garden is officially planted and growing strong... I even caught a tomato already
   growing last night.  Woohoo for home grown tomato's!

~  The Mr. helped me with this landscape decor idea that I had, and we created a
     neat place for our old water pump to proudly be displayed.

~ Summer break has officially began around here... Yay!

~ I have been reading "Believing God" by Beth Moore.  I am not really what I would
   call a big reader... so if I am not real interested in a book within a couple chapters,
   I don't usually finish it...  but so far all of her books that I have read, I have
   really enjoyed.  
   Our daughter however, loves to read... she can download a book on the kindle
   that has several hundred pages and read it like it's nothing.  Not this gal...  I like to read
   a couple chapters in the evening for the most part.. depending on what is going on around
   the house and how tired I am.  Ha.. :0)

   Hope you have a great weekend!


  1. Sounds like a good month. I'm just wondering where it literally flew by! Your son is quite the handsome young man. Mine will turn 19 in a couple weeks. We went to my niece's graduation last night and I had a hard time believing it was exactly a year ago that he was walking to receive his diploma. Hope you're having a wonderful weekend...Vicky

  2. Hi Vicky, it is hard to believe it has been a year since our son's graduations. Wow... hope you have a wonderful week!


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