Friday Favorites (2/20/15)

Ya know how some weeks just fly by..?
This wasn't one of those kind of weeks.

This was one of those slow goin' kind.. and I am
so ready for the weekend.  How about you?

Friday Favorites is here ~ time to focus on some of my favorite things
from the week..

1). We started out the week with a snow day.. so my daughter and I got to
spend the day together. Yay for that!

(making lemonade -> getting to spend the day with my daughter... 
out of lemons -> very cold winter weather) :0)

2). Of course Valentines day sweets hanging around during the week was
something to smile about.

3). This caramel creme stuff.. have ya tried it?  Yum!

4). Giving a Christmas basket a new look to hold all the remote controls..
    it took twice to get it just right.. but really loving that final color.
    (can see the post Here )

5). Finally giving that boring guest bathroom mirror a new look was so simple,  we
should've done this years ago!  You can see how we framed it: Here .

Thanks for stopping by today, and hope that you have a great weekend.

linking up at:
High Five for Friday


  1. A good and productive week followed by what is sure to be a wonderful weekend! Enjoy!

    1. Thank you Vicky..
      hope you have a wonderful weekend as well my friend.

  2. That basket color is so pretty! And I've been wanting to frame our bathroom mirrors for a while. Definitely checking out your post on it. Hope you're having a great weekend! Thanks for linking up with us at H54F!!

    Katie @ Cup of Tea


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