a shabby chic distressed look?

Well, we haven't used them for quite some time and they have actually been stored
in the garage. I decided to pull them out recently and give them a new look.
So I gave them a good cleaning to remove the dirt, dust, cobwebs, etc.. :0)
Then I gave them a light sanding and a new coat of white paint.

Then I used my antiquing glaze on them.. and wow, what a difference!

I was really in awe at what a difference the glaze made on these pieces.. it really
makes the details of the table stand out.
After the glaze dried I decided to add just a little bit of black here and there to add
even more depth to them.

A couple coats of polycrylic and Wahhhlaaaa...
Really like this new look, now I am thinking about all the other
items I want to use antique glaze on. :0)
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