My Spring Wreath from a Steering Wheel Cover? Yep

I am in 'spruce it up' / spring cleaning mode how about you? 

Well, I decided it was time to make a new "Spring Wreath" and in deciding
what to do this year,  I remembered my fuzzy pink steering wheel cover.

Yep, a steering wheel cover. :0)

I had seen it at a store quite some time ago, and thought that it was so fun..
and not long after my sweet hubby surprised me with it.

Well, we didn't really like the feel of it all that much on my steering wheel,
so it didn't stay in my truck too long, and it has been hanging on a hook in
 my laundry room. (good place for it right? Lol)

So it was time to make it useful, and I thought this was perfect, and just so
stinking cute!

So I started by gathering a few things,
Scissors, wire cutters, burlap ribbon, and a bunch or bush of faux daffodil flowers.

I went simple, what can I say.. :0)
I started by tying a bow onto my new wreath and simply cutting the ends in
a upside down v shape.

Then basically I used my wire cutters to snip off a few of the daffodil flowers from the
bunch, and then basically bent them a little bit and just tucked the wired stems/leaves
into the groove that is meant for a steering wheel.
 I didn't use any glue or wire etc., doesn't get much easier than that.
(Yay for simple!)

and there she is..

My Pretty in Pink fuzzy Steering Wheel Cover Wreath.

linking up at:
Flaunt it Friday,
Creative Collection Link Party
Creative Corner Link Up


  1. That is adorable! Great idea and now it has a purpose! Hope you are doing well and have a wonderful Friday and weekend!

    Hugs, Vicky


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