I was having a decent hair/makeup type of day the other day,
so I decided maybe it was time to take a new photo.

I like photography and while I am definitely not a professional I certainly
enjoy it as a amateur.. however, selfies are not something I particularly enjoy.
I kept hitting the delete button.
Every photo I took, I was like 'eh', and I was literally picking it apart.
Then I realized several minutes had went by of basically talking to myself about
every flaw I could see, and about how wrong I was in every single photo.
When I finally realized what I was
I also realized that God was dealing with me about my self-talk,
and it was time to stop degrading myself.
I think there are so many times we can talk so ugly to ourselves.. and
because it can become a common practice we don't even realize that we are doing it.
I know I am guilty of it.

Even now, my first reaction/response is that I should photoshop that..
or I should redo the picture for this post, I see this.. I see that.. but I am keeping it real
and posting the photo that somehow didn't get deleted from my iphone.
(although I can think of a few reasons why it should.. :0) ya see, there I go again)
However, since this photo was a part of the light bulb going on moment of
realizing what I was doing, and dealing with self-talk,
and a part of the inspiration for this post.. I am just going to keep it real.
So go ahead and take that photo, that selfie, and join in on the group pictures..
especially this time of year with all the holiday events coming up,
and just embrace the you that makes you You!
The challenge of that may very well be not to pick yourself apart when you see the photo's,
(it certainly has been my first response to a photo of myself - but I am working on that!)
and realize you are one of a kind, loved, and more likely than not.. you are probably
the only one seeing those 'flaws and imperfections'.
I know there have been times that I have pointed out something
to my husband and he really just doesn't see it.. it is so glaringly obvious
to me, but not something that he see's at all.
In fact he will tell me how beautiful I am. (He is the best)
Enough of the 'eh'..
Embrace the You..
After all,
You are God's handiwork, fearfully and wonderfully made.
Unique and with a purpose.
Have a blessed day!
- TinaH
(makeup used: It Cosmetics Concealer,
I currently use a mixture for my foundation of about half/half
of It Cosmetics CC Cream with this Lumi foundation to get my desired color.
Makeup Forever HD Powder. Voluminous Mascara,
Butter Bronzer, Physicians Formula Highlighter,
I currently use a mixture for my foundation of about half/half
of It Cosmetics CC Cream with this Lumi foundation to get my desired color.
Makeup Forever HD Powder. Voluminous Mascara,
Butter Bronzer, Physicians Formula Highlighter,
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