Garden Flower Beds and a Solar Fountain Update

Good Morning!
I thought it would be fun to share some updates with you today on some of the items
I have shared here on my blog and over on my youtube channel!

So today I am sharing my garden flower beds and how they are looking right now, a peek at my garden, and an update to the solar fountain that I purchased and shared last year!

I know I enjoy seeing how things progress over time!

If you watched my video where I planted these flowerbeds, these plants were so tiny and sure didn't look 
like much.

It has been so hard to find plants this year, and we just haven't been going anywhere like most people
these days we are staying home as much as possible.

But look at these beauties now!

Here are a few other pictures from around the yard..

I also wanted to give an update on my solar fountain.

I had put it up over the winter months and was curious to see if it would still work this year.
It has become quite faded from the sun into a milky shade, but it is still going strong and working
just fine!   Such a fun addition to the garden!

If you would like to see the video which shows how the plants looked about 4-6 weeks before and
the beautiful after, as well as several more photo's from around the garden and yard, and a look
at how my fountain is running this year please check out the video!💙

 - Tina

(*affiliate links)

Solar Fountain: Found Here
Organic Fertilizer I use (flowers): Found Here
Organic Fertilizer I use in the garden: Found Here

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