I picked up some pretty leopard print fabric, as well as..
you guessed it - Buffalo check plaid. 😉
I started by sort of guessing the measurement of the fabric by simply placing the pumpkin
on the fabric and holding the corners up to see if they would have plenty of reach.
Then I cut my fabric to size.
I actually used 18" x 14" but was a little short on sides, so I would recommend using a
little larger than the 14" / or more of a square shape.. However, it worked perfectly fine in the end by
simply using the longer sides to pleat and cover the shorter sections)
For this particular fabric I doubled it up.
It was fairly thin and I didn't want the orange to show through.
I certainly could've painted the pumpkin white to avoid it as well, but I chose to go the
faster route and just double up the fabric instead.
(*I did not have to double the fabric for the leopard print pumpkin)
(*update: I will use acrylic paint the next time I want to paint a pumpkin like this as
I have tried to spray paint one for another project (since this project)
and the paint started to melt the foam. I am not sure what has changed, because I did
use to spray paint them with no issue. So I can't speak to the reason,
if it is the paint or what but I wanted to be sure to mention it) 😉
The next thing I did was remove the pumpkin stem.
The stem is just a little piece of foam that is attached with a bit
of glue and a toothpick, very simple to remove with a couple twists.
Then I used my scissors to make the small hole a little bigger for stuffing fabric into it.
Then I began wrapping the pumpkin, by pulling the fabric up on one corner and stuffing it into the center hole.
On the sides where it was a little shorter I used hot glue to hold it on the pumpkin and then worked my way around the pumpkin covering the shorter fabric with the corners.
(hope that makes sense, it is definitely easier to see how I did it step by step in the video)
I chose to use a cinnamon stick for a stem.
I also decided to add a fall leaf accent with a little hot glue and I think they turned out so cute!
Ya'll know I am a big fan of buffalo check.. but check out the leopard print!
How fun!
Such a simple project and could be decorated to match any decor with so many types of
fabric, old shirts or t-shirts, and burlap would be a fun one to try as well.
- Tina
Item Details:
(*affiliate links.. as an Amazon associate I earn from qualifying purchases,
for more details on affiliate links see note at bottom of my post)
for more details on affiliate links see note at bottom of my post)
Foam Pumpkins: (were $1.00 each) I got mine at Dollar Tree
Leopard Print Fabric: (couldn't find link to one I bought) Similar option Here
To see more Foam Pumpkin Projects, check these out!
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